The Library of Congress Business Reference Guide

Business news is the reporting of events and developments in the commercial industry. This can include everything from company performance and new product launches to mergers and acquisitions. It can also cover the stock market and government regulations that impact businesses. Business news is available through a variety of media sources including newspapers, magazines and television. It is important for investors, shareholders and the general public to stay up-to-date on business news so that they can make informed decisions about their own financial portfolios.

A business is an organization or enterprising entity that engages in commercial, industrial or professional activities. Businesses can be for-profit entities that generate profit from the exchange of goods and services or non-profit entities that use their profits to further a social cause. Businesses can be operated by one person, a group of people or an entire corporation.

While there are many different types of businesses, most share the common goal of generating profit from the exchange of goods and services. This profit can be reinvested into the business or it may be used to grow the company and increase its value.

In order to be successful, a business must be able to effectively manage its resources, which includes human resources, capital and inventory. In addition, it must be able to adapt to changing business conditions and market trends. The ability to do so will help a business to remain competitive and profitable.

A good business should be able to identify its target audience and offer products or services that appeal to those people. It should also be able to create a unique brand image that will help it stand out from its competitors. A successful business will also be able to provide its customers with excellent customer service.

The Library of Congress provides access to a variety of business news sources through its print and microform collections. The scope of this guide is limited to the United States; however, major international business news sources are included. You may need to search more broadly or use more targeted search strategies when conducting international business news research. For additional help, consult the Business Reference Specialists in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room or Ask-A-Librarian.