Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care

The Center for Critical Care Research is launching its first annual conference this fall, to discuss challenges and barriers faced by the critically ill and identify engineering solutions. In addition, the conference will include sessions on how to match medical needs with engineering solutions. Lastly, the conference will address the opportunities for entrepreneurs. This will be the first of its kind, so get ready to attend! To find out more, read on! Here are some highlights of the Center for Critical Care Research’s first year.

Weil Institute

The Weil Institute for Integrative Research in Critical Care at Michigan Medicine aims to transform the field of critical care with groundbreaking research. Using multidisciplinary team science, big data analytics, and tailored commercialization pathways, the institute develops and tests new therapies for critically ill patients. To do so, the institute has established an international network of collaborators, including industry and medical experts. To create groundbreaking solutions for the most urgent health care needs, the Weil Institute works closely with the medical community.

MCIRCC’s Grand Challenge competition

As part of its efforts to combat the effects of brain trauma, the MCIRCC has launched the Grand Challenge competition to find new ways to treat and even prevent the condition. In an effort to raise awareness about the competition and promote the scientific value of such research, the MCIRCC is holding virtual events to promote the project. On March 9, the competition hosted a virtual kick-off event in which Dr. Ramon Diaz-Arrastia, Professor of Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania and Director of the Clinical TBI Research Center at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, provided an overview of current monitoring techniques and discussed clinical TBI. The presentation highlighted the bulk of TBI research over the last 10 to 15 years, and highlighted how many Grand Challenge-supported projects are focused on non-invasive treatments.

Collaborations with Bone Marrow Transplant and Solid Tumor Services

Our collaborative relationship with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital includes expertise in bone marrow transplant and cellular therapies. Our program has been performing stem cell transplants since 1995 and is the only stem cell transplant program in the state of New Jersey. Our team includes hematologists/oncologists, bone marrow transplant coordinators, oncology nurse navigators and more. We help patients in need of life-saving treatments for their blood cancers.

UCLA Critical Care Center

The UCLA Critical Care Center for Integrative Research in Clinical Care is comprised of a team of diverse clinical experts with the common goal of improving critical care. Among the team’s physicians and nurses are leaders in translational medicine and multidisciplinary clinical research. Their projects focus on advancing the standard of care in critical care. This approach to critical care will benefit patients by bringing different disciplines together in one place.