How to Write an Entertaiment Article

Entertaiment is the act of holding the interest and attention of an audience, or giving pleasure and delight. It can be anything from a hard news story to a celebrity profile. To write a good entertainment article, you need to understand what your readers want to read about. It is important to speak with sources that can help you get the information right, especially for hard news stories. You should also focus on creating an irresistible title for your story.

When writing your article, use the technique of “show, don’t tell.” By describing what the characters are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling, you will transport your reader into the scene. Also, using wit and humor is a great way to lighten up your story. Try to incorporate humor that is relevant to your audience. Using this technique will make your entertainment article more engaging. It will also increase the chances of your article being shared on social media.