The Advantages and Disadvantages of Education


The process of education began in ancient times. As societies grew, the amount of knowledge and culture that could be passed down became greater than one person could ever know. As a result, select means of cultural transmission developed, and schools and teachers were established to give this knowledge to children. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of education? How do we decide what type of education our children need? Let’s look at some examples. Using the Myers-Briggs type indicator or the Keirsey temperament sorter to help us determine the best education method for our children, we can answer these questions by reading this article.

Formal education

If you’ve heard of the term “formal education,” you probably think of classroom-based schools and textbooks. Teachers with formal education are the ones in charge of this type of education, and students follow a set curriculum that follows a chronological hierarchy. These teachers are also licensed, and their methods are the same in every school. Formal education is essential to a society’s progress in a variety of ways. But what is formal education and what is it not?


As the number of people who are working from home increases, homeschooling may be the most practical way for families to educate their children. With an increasing number of working parents, this trend is gaining popularity as more families are able to balance home responsibilities with the demands of the workplace. But is homeschooling right for your family? Here are some pros and cons of homeschooling. Let’s look at each of them.

Myers-Briggs type indicator

In many middle schools, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used to help students learn more effectively. An inner-city middle school adapted its classroom instruction and programs to help students with various personality types. Its experimental classroom results revealed that student grades improved and teacher-student relationships were improved. However, some debates remain regarding the MBTI’s benefits and uses in education.

Keirsey temperament sorter

The theory behind the Keirsey Temperament Sorter for Education was developed in 1978 by Dr. Thomas Keirsey. He believed that temperament was the sum of a person’s personality traits, and based his theory on two basic topics: communication and abstract thought. According to Keirsey, people tend to talk about concrete topics more than abstract ones.

Perspectives on education

Sociological perspectives on education tend to emphasize the manifest functions of education. Socialization is a core function of education. According to Emile Durkheim, socialization involves learning the norms and rules of society. Education facilitates upward mobility. For this reason, higher learning institutions are seen as the means to bring students closer to a career. However, other viewpoints on education tend to focus on the latent functions of education. In this article, we will look at two common conceptions of education.