The Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC) at the University of Michigan

center for integrative research in critical care

The MCIRCC is a campus-wide collaborative that supports clinical expertise, innovative research, and graduate medical education. The Center’s leadership will facilitate cooperation among related schools and Deans while gradually transforming the campus. The goal of this collaborative is to foster a culture of critical care excellence, while not disrupting departmental, traditional, or financial relationships. Here are some of the benefits of joining the MCIRCC.


The M-CIRCC Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC) at the University of Michigan offers a unique program in the field of critical care. This unique center is broad in scope, integrating clinical and non-clinical sciences, data science and engineering, and interdisciplinary research. Researchers from the center are organized into teams consisting of clinicians, nurses, and basic scientists who conduct research projects in the center and contribute to work being done by other U-M researchers.


PRIMER is a multidisciplinary research program that strives to advance evidence-based care for critically ill patients. The center brings together the best critical care medicine practice with cutting-edge bench-to-bedside translational research. Using this integrated approach, the PRIMER team aims to improve our understanding of multiple etiologies of critical illness. Its mission also includes scholarship, innovation, and education in critical care medicine.

Career development program

The Career Development Program at the Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC) is a three-year NIH-funded training program for clinician-scientists. During the program, trainees form multidisciplinary mentoring teams led by senior clinician-scientists in critical care and other fields. They develop three-year personalized career development plans, which they work toward achieving milestones.

Grand Challenge competition

The Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care is a national, multidisciplinary academic center for critical care, pain, and trauma care. The Center has a mission of improving the quality of life for patients by advancing scientific knowledge and improving patient outcomes. The Center will use innovative and integrated research to address the major issues affecting patients. For more information, visit the Center’s website. Here, you will find a list of topics and themes.

Michigan Medicine’s Weil Institute

The Weil Institute for integrative research in critical-care patients is a comprehensive research enterprise focused on transforming patient care. With multidisciplinary team science, big data analytics, and targeted funding sources, the institute aims to advance critical-care treatment and improve outcomes. It has received funding from the Weil Family Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by Susan Weil and her husband, Michael Adesman.