The legal profession is a dynamic field where change happens rapidly. For some firms, this means adding new services, working with underserved communities or creating strategies that have not been a part of traditional law practice in the past. For other firms, it may mean refocusing their practice to focus on what’s important – the client. These approaches are often referred to as “new law,” but what exactly does this concept mean?
A law that is passed by a legislative body. The term can refer to a statute or a bill. A statute is a formal written law passed by a legislature, usually known as Congress. A bill is a proposed law that can be amended before becoming a statute. The person who proposes a law is referred to as the sponsor. The sponsor may be joined by other legislators who agree with the proposal and want to support it, called cosponsors.
This law would require City agencies to promptly notify persons whose private identifying information is involved in a data breach. The law also would align some definitions in the City’s data breach notification laws with those in New York State’s SHIELD Act.
Laws and rules that have been enacted by City agencies, including DCWP.
New law is a growing field for many lawyers and one that deserves careful attention from those who are looking to grow their practice. Developing strategies that are based on this type of work can be a great way to expand the firm’s offerings while delivering the help that clients need. It can also serve as a good way to find efficiencies in the firm, which can be helpful during challenging times. In the end, the most important thing to remember is that, whatever strategy is employed, this type of work must be focused on the client. By keeping this in mind, the potential for growth is enormous. It can be a game changer for any firm. The New York City Law Library’s website allows users to search and browse laws and rules enacted by the City of New York.