What Is New Law?

The legal profession is a constantly evolving industry. Firms are constantly looking for ways to improve their services and to reach out to potential clients in new ways. One of the most popular trends has been to label this practice as “new law.” New law can mean a variety of things, but it generally refers to any type of non-traditional approach to legal service. It can include a range of activities, from working with underserved communities to offering alternative fees structures.

Regardless of what type of new law a firm is practicing, the concept has some key aspects that all lawyers should be familiar with. In most cases, this means finding new ways to benefit clients and embracing technology in the process. It also can mean utilizing different strategies for billing and other financial matters. It is a trend that every firm should consider using as part of their strategy, but it is important to do so in a way that does not impact the core focus of the legal practice.

How Our Laws Are Made

Congress is the lawmaking branch of the federal government. The billmaking process starts when a member of Congress introduces a law or a change to an existing law. The introduction of a bill can be inspired by a current issue in the news or it may be an idea suggested by a constituent. Once a bill is introduced, it is assigned to a committee where it will undergo the legislative process.