Establishing a Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care

To establish a center for integrative research in critical care, a critical care physician must first understand the basics of the Institute’s mission, Scholars, and clinical expertise. These three areas of focus should be addressed in a detailed report, commissioned by the Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care. Read the article to learn more. Also, please feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.


The Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care is the executive director of a research center for critical care. The center is deeply involved in critical care science, developing hundreds of new therapies and technologies that will improve patient care, diagnose illnesses sooner, and extend care beyond the hospital. The center is one of the premier research facilities in the country for critical care. To learn more, visit the center’s website.

Weil Institute

The Weil Institute for Integrative Research in Critical Care at the University of Michigan is transforming critical care medicine by fostering collaboration and innovation across disciplines. The institute’s unique formula of innovation, integration, and entrepreneurship has created multidisciplinary teams of health providers, basic scientists, engineers, commercialization coaches, industry partners, and donors. These teams collaborate with the medical community and government to develop new therapies for critically ill patients.


Founded four years ago, the Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC) is a hub for interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers and clinicians in critical care. By integrating clinical research with education and outreach, the MCIRCC aims to advance patient care through research and commercialization. In addition to providing research facilities, MCIRCC’s clinical research unit facilitates studies by offering a wide range of services, including support for IRB protocol, patient engagement, and data collection.


The Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC) is accepting applications for its K12 fellowship program, which will begin in July. This innovative program will develop clinician-scientists to conduct transformative research in emergency critical care. Critical care represents a staggering $260 billion annual cost to the U.S. economy and accounts for 40 percent of all hospital expenses. Technological advances in this field are desperately needed to advance care, increase patient outcomes, and better understand the mechanisms that lead to death.

Grand Challenge competition

If you want to build a center for critical care research, you may want to consider applying for the Grand Challenge competition. This research competition supports transdisciplinary teams to carry out high-impact studies and fuel the transformation of the field. Applications are due 30 days before the competition deadline, which is May 17.


In the past, collaborations with the Center for Integrative Research in Clinical Care have resulted in groundbreaking discoveries. In fact, this new research center is planning to hold its first annual conference this fall. Conference attendees will discuss challenges in the critical care arena, how to match medical needs with engineering solutions, and opportunities for entrepreneurs. A conference like this is an opportunity for junior investigators to explore cutting-edge critical care research.