The Entertaiment is a Broad Category That Encapsulates Everything From Sports and Music to the Visual Arts


Entertainment is a broad category encompassing everything from sports and music to the visual arts. It is also a bona fide source of employment for many artists, from musicians to magicians. It also helps promote the culture of a community. For example, one of the many reasons that the Las Vegas Strip is so fabled is the number of high-paying entertainment jobs it attracts. Likewise, a night at the zoo is an excellent way to unwind after a long day at work.

In general, entertainment is the stuff that piques the interest of any given audience. The best examples are large scale events that draw crowds of all sizes. There are also many small scale impromptu activities such as a game of chess or a board game in a local park. To be more specific, entertainment is not limited to physical activities, but can be expressed as well in digital formats. For instance, a smartphone or tablet can provide a surprisingly decent level of audio and video entertainment. The best part is that it can be re-purposed for future use.

It is not uncommon to see an entrant’s name on a television news banner, albeit in an unflattering fashion. In short, entertainment is an important and underrated part of the community. For instance, a visit to a zoo can be a fun and educational outing for children and adults alike. Moreover, zoos are one of the few places in the country where visitors can truly feel pampered. For that matter, zoos are one of several fun and interesting things to do in Los Angeles.