The Law New – A Guide For Newcomers to the Legal System

The Law New is a resource for lawyers, law students and others who need help understanding the language and context of the legal world. It aims to introduce newcomers to the law and legal system through narrative examples and explanations of common terms and concepts. This new edition has been fully updated to include recent developments in the legal field, and includes a glossary of new terms and a new section on generative AI.


1. The body of laws that have developed through case decisions, rather than from statutes (codes) or constitutions. 2. The name given to the legal system in England, where U.S. law originated.


The decision made by a court that determines the legal rights of an individual or group. A judgment may be a final decision, or it may leave issues unresolved and be followed by a further ruling (as in a case appeal).


A legal obligation to obey laws, rules and regulations. Failure to comply with these obligations can result in penalties, including fines or imprisonment.


The process of putting laws into effect, usually through legislation. Once a bill is passed by Congress and signed into law by the President, it becomes a public law (an Act). Bills are typically labeled H.R. for bills introduced in the House of Representatives and S. for bills introduced in the Senate, and numbered according to their order of introduction during each Congress. Public laws usually deal with matters of general interest to the public.


A summary of the main principles and ideas that form the basis of the legal system in one country. It describes the way power is organised, how laws are made and enforced, and identifies the main rights of citizens.


The principle that everyone has the right to a fair and speedy trial by an impartial judge in a court of competent jurisdiction, regardless of wealth or status. This is a fundamental principle of the rule of law, which is fundamental to the health and well-being of any society.


The ability of every person to access information from government agencies, and to hold those agencies accountable for their actions. The right to know is a fundamental principle of democracy, and it forms the basis for many other fundamental rights. The right to know is a fundamental concept in the practice of law. It is essential to a healthy democracy and the protection of individuals and businesses. It is a core value of the American legal system and underpins other important democratic values. The Law Library of Congress has long been a leader in providing free and open access to law and legal information. It is the only repository in the world of the complete record of federal and state law and holds materials from all major national and international jurisdictions. This research guide has been compiled to provide a starting point for finding information about the law and legal system in the United States. Emphasis has been placed on sites offering full texts of laws and court decisions, as well as on those containing commentary from lawyers writing primarily for other lawyers.