What Is Daily News?

Daily news is current events that are published on a daily basis, often by newspapers. It can include stories about politics, crime, health, the economy and other issues of interest to the public. In addition, it can also be a source of entertainment and satire. Daily news can be found in print, on television and over the Internet.

In 1919, Joseph Medill Patterson founded the New York Daily News. It became the first newspaper to be printed in tabloid format and was soon the largest newspaper in the world with a circulation of more than one million copies a day. It was able to achieve this by utilizing large photographs and headlines, focusing on scandalous or titillating news, reader contests, and cartoon strips. The News was able to attract commuters who would not ordinarily read a long-form news story, and it was particularly popular on the city’s subway system.

As the twentieth century progressed, many printed newspapers began to lose revenue. This was especially true in the early 21st century, as people turned to the internet for their news. The Daily News sought to regain its earning potential and repositioned itself as a “serious tabloid.” In 1993, the paper invested $60 million in color presses and was able to match the visual quality of USA Today, the country’s highest-circulating newspaper.

The New York Daily News also made history by becoming the first paper to launch a television station, WPIX, in 1948. The station was named for the News’ nickname, “New York’s Picture Newspaper.” Its call letters were later changed to WFAN-FM, but it is still located in the former Daily News building.

Whether a newspaper is published in print, on television or on the Internet, the most important thing is that it be accurate. Inaccuracy can cause major damage to a publication’s reputation. As a general rule, if an event happened previously and it has not been reported before, it cannot be news. However, if the facts of that event are unknown or are revealed for the first time, it becomes newsworthy.

Non-news should never be presented as news. For example, an article about a celebrity’s homecoming is not newsworthy, but a story about an athlete’s return to school can be newsworthy. In order to be newsworthy, a story must be unusual, interesting or significant and must involve people. It should also be about something that affects the public’s daily life in a noticeable way. In addition, it must be timely and of interest to the majority of readers. If an event is not of immediate interest, it should not be reported in the newspaper. Unless it is an emergency, an unavoidable tragedy or disaster. In that case, it may be necessary to report the event as it unfolds. For example, an air crash might be the only newsworthy event that could be covered live as it happens. This is particularly true if the disaster is expected to cause widespread harm or death.