What Is Law New?

law new

The legal profession is always evolving, and lawyers must stay ahead of the curve in order to provide clients with the best service possible. One area that many firms are starting to explore is “law new,” which is the practice of using non-traditional strategies to deliver legal services in a variety of ways. This can include working with underserved communities, embracing technology or creating new business models that may have not been in use at traditional law firms in the past.

Law new is a concept that can be hard to define because it covers so much ground. It can encompass everything from community legal centers to non-profit corporations to law firm subsidiaries that offer alternative services. While it is not a fully formed category, it is an important one for lawyers to be aware of because it could open up a whole new way to serve clients and find more work.

Changing laws

One of the main ways that law new can be defined is as a new policy idea that is then put into law through the legislative process. These ideas can come from a senator, an organization that wants to see a change in the law or even from State agencies. The ideas are then drafted into bills and submitted for consideration by the legislature. The bills are then voted on and can become public laws, known as acts, if they are passed.

A few examples of new legislation that have been signed into law this year include laws to protect students from bias crimes, make sure third-party food delivery services are licensed and help families navigate the opiate crisis. Another bill, known as “Matthew’s Law,” makes fentanyl test kits and other drug adulterant testing supplies more available to the general public by requiring local pharmacies and health care providers to give them out. The bill is named for Matthew Horan, a New York City resident who died of an accidental fentanyl overdose in 2020.

Other legislation includes a bill to require landlords to notify tenants of any planned security system installations and allow tenants to waive their right to privacy in exchange for a reduced rent rate or security deposit. Another law requires a landlord to notify tenants of any water quality issues and allows them to request an independent review of their building. Finally, a bill prohibits hospitals, health care professionals and certified ambulances from reporting medical debt to credit bureaus, which can impact a person’s ability to get jobs, obtain housing or secure credit.

In addition, a law requiring NYCHA to report water quality data more regularly and establishes a process for the removal of lead pipes was also passed. A separate law prohibits the installation of keyless access systems that can control a building’s doors. The law also ensures that anyone who is contracted to examine water samples for contamination follows all relevant laws and regulations.